Rental homes in the high-end Hamptons neighborhood is in high demand as the rich and famous look to flee the coronavirus outbreak in New York.
Landlords with rentals in the Hamptons say they’re seeing increased demand for homes from a large number of clients, who’re willing to pay whatever it takes.
Brick Underground reported that it saw a 33% increase in short-term rental searches via its website in March, compared to the previous year. It said that the Hamptons normally doesn’t see this kind of demand until the summer.
According to Nestseekers founder Eddie Shapiro, his phone is constantly ringing with clients looking to find a rental home.
“I got a call Monday from someone willing to spend $250,000, and he was in a house by Thursday,” Shapiro said. The client is hoping to stay for two to three months, he added.
The increased demand has led to some sellers changing their listings to rentals in order to cash in.
The Hamptons isn’t the only area that’s seen more demand linked to the coronavirus outbreak. Mansion Global reported that developers are seeing demand for homes that offer privacy and isolation grow in many parts of the U.S., especially for more remote properties.
For example in Virgina, one developer is offering a 350-acre site that it describes as a “self-sustaining survivalist escape” with three residential cabins. The development is listed at $17 million, and already the owners have reported seeing an uptick of interest.